Conference Programme

Please note this is a draft schedule and subject to change.


You can search and filter for sessions according to the fields across the top of the programme or click directly on a session to view more details. To find a specific presentation you can search for the presenter name in the presenter tab or their paper title / ID number in the presentation titles tab on the left.

You will notice some icons in the top right of each session. These are bookmarks that you can click to add as favourites. When checked, the icons  will appear with a fill, as opposed to an outline (unchecked). With these bookmarks you can create your individual agenda of your favourite sessions and view this on the Bookmarks tab on the left of the programme. Please note that bookmarking a session does not guarantee you entry to this sessions as all rooms have a maximum capacity and seats will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

* The full access programme is only available to registered delegates.